Setting up an Office 365 POP email account in Outlook 2007

Setting up an Office 365 POP email account in Outlook 2007

Setting up an Office 365 POP email account in Outlook 2007

To set up a POP3 account in Microsoft Outlook 2007 on Windows Vista or XP, follow the instructions below:

Microsoft ends its support for Windows XP.

  1. Open Outlook 2007, from the Tools menu select Account Settings.

  2. On the E-mail tab select New to display Add New E-mail Account.
  3. Select Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP and click Next

    Account settings 
  4. Enter Your Name. This is your name or your company name as you would like it to appear on your outgoing email.
  5. Enter your email address
    For example,
  6. Enter your email password in the Password and Retype Password fields.
  7. Check the Manually configure server settings or additional server types box. The fields that you have just completed are greyed out: 

  8. Click  Next and select Internet E-mail.  

    Choose email service 
  9. Click Next to display Internet E-mail Settings.
  10. If needed, re-enter Your Name and E-mail Address.
  11. Ensure that the Account Type is POP3.
  12. In the Incoming mail server field, enter outlook. office365. com
  13. In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) field, enter smtp.
  14. In the User Name field, enter your email address, for example,
  15. Enter your email password. 
  16. Click on More Settings to display Internet E-mail Settings, select Outgoing Server.
  17. Check the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication box.
  18. On the Outgoing Server tab, select My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.

  19. Select the Advanced tab.
  20. Change the Incoming server (POP3): to 995
  21. Tick This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)
  22. Change the Outgoing server (SMTP): to 587
  23. Select TLS from the  Use the following type of encrypted connection: dropdown. 

  24. Click OK.
  25. You can now test your account by selecting  Test Account Settings, or click Next to display Congratulations.
  26. Click Finish. You've now successfully set up Outlook 2007 to send and receive email.
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