Set up your email account using the Outlook for iOS app available from the Apple Store or the built-in iOS mail app.
Use Outlook for iOS
NOTE Outlook for iOS requires iOS 8.0 or higher. App availability varies by country so find out what's available in your country. If the app is incompatible with your device, try adding your mail account using the built-in mail app that comes with your device.
Download the Outlook for iOS app from the Apple Store if you haven't installed it yet. If you already have it installed, open it, then tap Settings > Add Account.
Tap Office 365 if you have a work or school account in Office 365 for business.
Type your full email address, for example, type your password, and then tap Sign in.
TIP If you get a time-out message, your password or other information might be incorrect. Retype the information, and then try again.
NOTE If you previously selected Exchange to set up your account, you may receive a message about security upgrades and you'll need to re-sign in. Follow the prompts and sign in with your full email address and password.
Select Yes to let the app access your info. Outlook for iOS begins syncing.
Tap one of the icons to view your calendar, files, or contacts in the app.
To learn more about using Outlook for iOS, tap Settings > Help. Or, see Frequently asked questions about Outlook for iOS and Android
Add another account
You can have more than one email account in Outlook for iOS. Tap Settings > + Add Account.
Go back to the top of this page and select the type of account you want to add.
Delete an account
Tap Settings.
Tap the account you want to delete.
Select Remove Account, and then select From Device or From Device & Remote Data.
Use the built-in iOS mail app
Tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars >Accounts > Add account > Email.
In the Add Account page, tap Exchange.
Enter your full email address, for example, and your password, and then tap Next.
By default, Mail, Contacts, and Calendar information are synchronized. Tap Save.
If you're prompted to create a passcode, tap Continue and type a numeric passcode. If you're prompted and don't set up a passcode, you can't view this account on your device. You can also set up a passcode later in your settings.
Not working? Make sure you entered your email and password correctly and try again. You can also try setting the account up manually following the steps in the section Set up IMAP or POP email accounts, but selecting this method will only add your email, not your calendar or contacts.